An introduction to the Fairfield Horseshoe, 24th May 1984

It's the first day of my second fellwalking holiday with Mountain Goat, and we've set out from Windermere to Brothers Water from where we will be ascending to the ridge north of Dove Crag.
Our route to the Dove Crag rises alongside Hatsop Beck, in the valley of Dovedale. The path runs through a very pleasant area of woodland in its lower stages.
A little higher, and we can see the route curving around to the left. Dove Crag itself is seen ahead.
The Mountain Goat group making its way along the path.
Higher up in the valley now, we've left the woods and the intake walls and are in open country.
Dove Crag seen above Dovedale
The group stopping for elevenses on a convenient patch of turf.
Dovedale Beck, from our elevenses spot
Looking back down Dovedale as we reach the col between Dove Crag and Hart Crag.
We've come over the summit of Hart Crag, and are now looking across the col to Fairfield.
Deep Dale seen from Link Hause, the col between Hart Crag and Fairfield.
The Mountain Goat group approaching the top of Fairfield, 2863 ft above sea level.
The Helvellyn group, seen from the approach to Fairfield
Looking back at Link Hause and Hart Crag.
Grizedale Hause from Fairfield.
The summit of Fairfield seen across one of the gullies at the head of Deep Dale.
Rydal and Windermere, seen from the col between Fairfield and Great Rigg as we continue around the horseshoe.
Having traversed Great Rigg we're now on Heron Pike and looking down to Grasmere.
Looking down on Rydal Water from Heron Pike, with Windermere seen in the distance.
Grasmere from Heron Pike. From here we ascended the final top of Nab Scar before descending to the road and walking the last couple of miles back to Ambleside.

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This page last updated 7th March 2004

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