New Spitalfields Market
Immediately northeast of Liverpool
Street Station and just off the edge of the city is the locality of
Spitalfields. The area has a long and rich history which is well
documented elsewhere (see links), but suffice to say for the purposes
of this page that it is centred on the white spire of Hawksmoor's
Christ Church, built after the Great Fire of London, and that directly
opposite the church a market flourished, specialising in fresh fruit
and vegetables. The provision of a purpose-built market building in the
1890's saw Spitalfields Market eatsblished as London's premier market
for fresh produce.
The market flourished for over sixty years but lack of space to expand
led to it moving out to new purpose-built premises in Leyton and by
1991 the old market had been abandoned by the fruit and vegetable
traders, but in their place it took on a new role. The shops around the
perimeter became occupied by a cluster of independent stores, bistros
and bars, while the central space not only continued as a
general-purpose market but also hosted sports events, live performances
and alternative fashion shows, to name but a few uses to which it has
been put. During the 1990's the old market established a reputation as
a vibrant and slightly quirky place; it became fashionable, as did the
nearby immigrant quarter of Brick Lane.
It was perhaps inevitable that the developers would move in. Within the
last few years the place has been radically altered and the western
half of the old market building has come down, to be replaced by a new
development in the curent City idiom of gleaming steel and glass. The
eastern half remains exactly as it was and is still an interesting
collection of bistros, boutiques and craft shops of great
individuality. The western half, meanwhile, was a revelation when the
wraps came off. The developers have echoed the old market by providing
significant areas of space, some roofed and some open; the enclosed
space is surrounded by restaurants and shops and includes a beautiful
glass-roofed arcade, while the open area is landscaped with gardens,
trees and water features and has already become a magnet for nearby
office workers at lunchtime.
The images of New Spitalfields Market seen here also include the
neighbouring residential flats to the north, which reflect the growing
smartness of the area as a whole. The locality is only a few hundred
yards from my own workplace and I took these pictures on a recent
lunchtime stroll. Inevitably there were a great many people about and
it was difficult to get some of the shots as well composed as I would
have liked. Nevertheless I hope they give a good impression of one of
London's newest smart developments.
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This page last updated 15th June 2006