Finsbury Circus

A couple of blocks west of Liverpool Street station, Finsbury Circus is one of the most prominent of the City's open spaces - and also one of the most unusual, for it defies the usual convention of London's squares by being elliptical. The buildings on each side are formed of a pair of graceful curved terraces and, typically of the City, house the offices of banks, insurers and petro-chemical companies.

The centrepiece of the Circus is the immaculate lawn of the City of London bowls club. Ranged around the bowling green are public lawns and gardens, a favourite lunchtime and early evening haunt of office workers wishing to grab some peace, quiet and sunshine. I sometimes get off the Tube two stops early and stroll through here on my way to work.

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The bandstand and the bowling green in Finsbury Circus gardens

Finsbury Circus map by

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This page last updated 22nd October 2002